Saturday, June 20, 2009

CAPRAdelic 0.1

Hello CAPRA universe. My name’s Miguel Cedillo, and for an unpredictable period of life to come I get to say, “I’m with the band.” As you all know, CAPRA is working on their first album with Hollywood Records and will be creating all over the place for a solid chunk of 2009, and couldn’t be more excited. During the light beam ride (thanks guys) of a process my job is to show all the good people the world of CAPRA straight from the neon horse’s mouth, and we’ve got quite a bit in store.

CAPRA and I have joined forces to bring you CAPRAdelics, a newly invented story telling system for an otherwise chaotic experience. We’ll be feeding you regular rations of digital medicine for the rock ‘n’ roll soul with video, audio samples, photos, and the written word. Every piece tells part of the story to resonate the journey and vision of CAPRA in the most holistic way, for YOU. Through feedback, the people have the power to drive CAPRAdelics. Come June gloom or September snow, your thoughts and questions will directly influence interviews and footage.

Take a CAPRAdelic at, Facebook, and Myspace, and stay tuned for CAPRAdelic 01.1 and 01.2 in the next 24 hours! And finally, express yourself; become an active citizen of the CAPRAdelic dimension. The guys are waiting for you.

Live free,

1 comment:

Sage said...

I know this is coming hella late. But I'm really excited ur doing this. Capra's music says something to me, so i'd love to know what it says to them.