Friday, December 11, 2009

Q&A with CAPRA. Part 2.

1. Do you guys have any pets if so what kinds? Morale boosting dogs and cat.

2. What was your favorite song to write and record and what is your favorite song to perform? I'm sure it varies between us all, but our new music definitely has us stoked! Although we've yet to perform any of it.

3. What is Your New Album going to sound like? Sexy.

4. How did you decide on what genre of music you were going to do? Still haven't decided haha

5. Do you guys listen to the same kind of music or different kinds?? A lot of the same, but we're always introducing each other to new music as well.

6. What do you guys like to do for fun? Gallivant till dawn. Surf. Read. Paint. Write. Bake. Get baked. Hike. Etc.

7. If you guys never met (thankfully you did!) what kind of career would you pursue? Wizardry. All of us.

8. What is a gadet or thing you can't live without? A lighter.

9. CAPRA Became well known within a couple days what was that leap to fame like?? For us, we've been writing music together for 4 years now and slowly gaining recognition. We have acquired a lot of new fans since the debut of "Low Day" but we still feel like we have much bigger things to accomplish.

Thanks for all the Love and support. Our fans are pretty freakin rad...and thanks Katy Wells for the questions.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Q&A with CAPRA

1. How did you guys meet and decide to start a band?
Paul and Jeff are brothers that took a liking in playing music together. Jeff and Shelby met at work, consequently the three of them took a liking in creating music together. They met Kelly because the Bros. father works with Kelly's mother, and Kelly happened to have a similar taste in music; thus, deciding to write some tunes together. Kelly had met Michael through a friend, they had a mutual dedication to the power of music, so Kelly brought Michael into jam. The conception of CAPRA.

2. Do you guys have more of a best friend relationship or a brother relationship? Brothers, pretty much a family.

3. What was your inspriration for "Low Day" and what does it mean to you? It started on a hazy car ride through a california summer day. We noticed all the young innocent love taking place on concrete driveways, beautiful weather, fresh air of the ocean, and a moment of exaltation which spawned some simple lyrics. The lyrics were turned into a melody which soon grew into the song that you currently listen to. All that happened about 3 months ago.

4. Who are you influenced by? Everything under the umbrella of music and a few stray dogs playing in the rain. 

5. You guys have some pretty creative lyrics where do you come up...... with them? Pretty much any experience can spark some inspiration. Just living. Certain ritualistic practices. Singing in the shower.

6. If you could record a duet with anyone dead or alive who would it be? 
"Show me the way to the next whiskey bar..."

7. So Kelly in aaron stone you play a video game hero do you guys have any favorite video games? Mario cart

8. Do you plan on going on tour soon? Yes! And we can't wait to play for you guys.

9. If you could tour anywhere in the world where would it be? The entire world twenty times at once.

10. What is your ultimate goal for your music as far as where it is going and what you want to do in the future? To continue to create music that we enjoy and feel properly expresses where we're at. We always want to continue to evolve and develop and gain new perspectives on the music we create.